Below you will find a full profile of Rockford, Ohio’s climate, industry and labor as well as transportation.
Average Annual Temperature: 51.5
Average Annual Snowfall: 27.3 inches
Average Annual Precipitation: 39.6
Industry and Labor
Estimated Labor Force in Mercer County
- Total Labor Force, 24,200
- Employment, 23,200
- Total Unemployment 3.8% (2007)
Estimated Labor Force in Mercer/Van Wert Counties
- Total Labor Force, 39,700
- Employment, 38,100
- Total Unemployment 4.0%
Local Employers with number of Employees
- Divine Rehab & Maplewood
of Shane Hill (100) - The Fremont Company (75)
- TuWay American Group (65)
- Mercer Landmark (17)
Small Businesses
The Village of Rockford has over 52 small businesses which employ one to twenty plus full and part time individuals who contribute greatly to the economy of Rockford.
In September of 2007, Mercer Landmark began operation of their new soybean extrusion plant.
Railroad ad
RJ Corman Railroad & Distribution (14.1 miles)
8056 Albers Road, Celina, OH
US 33
State Route 118
14.1 miles : US Route 30
25.5 miles : I-75
55.1 miles : I-69
Motor Freight Carriers Serving Community (8)
Small Package Services
United Parcel Service (UPS)
Federal Express
Emery Worldwide
Air Service
17 miles : Mercer County Lakefield
12 miles : Van Wert County
26 miles : Neil Armstrong/New Knoxville
42 miles : Ft. Wayne International Airport
63 miles : Dayton International Airport